EU Councillors

"EU-Councillors" is a network of locally or regionally elected politicians who are holding a mandate in a municipality, town or city assembly as councillors or mayors. It includes members of two networks: the Committee of the Regions’ European Network of Regional and Local Councillors, and the European Commission’s “Building Europe with Local Councillors” (to be launched soon).

For the Committee of the Regions’ network, there are no limitations to the number of EU councilors from the same locality, although in some Member States, Councils appoint their EU Councillors. If you fulfil these conditions, you may apply to become part of this network in the CoR at the email address: Once part of the network, we will invite you to become a member of the private sub-group CoR EU Councillors, and add you to the group EU Councillors, shared with the European Commission (Building Europe with Local Councillors).

For the European Commission’s “Building Europe with Local Councillors”, a call for application is launched on 22 June:

Members of ”EU-Councillors” benefit from targeted information from EU institutions through regular briefings and documents, trainings and events either locally organized or online, and they can post comments on the main group or post their own content in the private sub-groups CoR EU-Councillors/Building Europe with Local Entities, where they can share their own news, events and best practices, or participate in debates and share information among members of the same network in any EU language (automatic translation is available).

It is expected that the members of the network EU Councillors transmit their knowledge to their councils and citizens, organizing debates and other events, explaining EU policies and achievements and promoting EU values.