DEADLINE 13 JUNE 2022 EOB: Call for video submission!

Connectivity is a crucial resource in particular in times of crises. Since the onset of the Ukraine war, connectivity has allowed people to stay in touch. It has been providing access to timely information and resources. It has allowed critical services to remain available. Staying connected is a lifeline in these difficult times.

We have seen the swift and efficient mobilisation of European actors and its partners to provide displaced people with free and affordable international calls and roaming between the EU and Ukraine. It should be but the beginning of greater support we can achieve for Ukraine when we come together.  

Ukraine is calling for more support and more digital solutions to address the urgencies they are facing. Digital technologies can offer solutions to maintain the functioning of their economy and society. Europe and its partners are working on stepping up actions to restore key infrastructure and services. 

We are now calling on associations, NGOs, companies, local authorities and the public to showcase their actions and ideas to help Ukraine. Anyone who is involved in or is pursuing an idea to: support digital infrastructure projects, leverage digital skills and digital businesses to help displaced Ukrainian refugees, develop cybersecurity solutions for Ukrainian organisations, use digital solutions to maintain key services and boost humanitarian aid, etc.

Your actions are making a difference. Sharing them can inspire others & help even more people. 

Tell us about your initiatives on digital solutions for Ukrainian people and businesses in a short video (about 1 min.) and share it with the Futurium community (attach as video). We would also kindly ask you to send us an email with the WeTransfer link and the completed Authorisation Form at:

Find below some instructions for filming:

  • Have a clean background, with source of light falling on you or in front of you
  • Record in landscape/horizontal mode, in standard format (16:9) & keep device stable
  • Speak slowly and give clear & short messages
  • Set video mode to highest quality possible (e.g. resolution Full HD: 1920x1080 px. 25 frames per second)

Please send us your contributions by 13 June at the latest. We will use some of your videos to create a compilation and showcase your efforts at the Digital Assembly in Toulouse.

The Digital Decade means a strong future for everyone. A future where Europe’s values are reflected across the international sphere.


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EUstandswithUkraine Tech4Ukraine Tech4UA