Digital Assembly 2023: A Digital, Open and Secure Europe


Scandinavian XPO
Cederströms Slinga 80

On the 15-16 June, The Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the European Commission will host the 2023 edition of the Digital Assembly in Stockholm, Sweden. This year’s edition will focus on “A digital, open and secure Europe”.

Some of the main themes will include the Digital Decade, Cyber Security and Resilience, Quantum technologies, Data Economy, and Artificial Intelligence, among others.

The Digital Assembly is an annual event that serves as a forum for exchanges on Europe’s digital policies. Leaders and experts from the public sector, academia, industry and civil society will have an opportunity to meet and discuss the future of European digital development.

You can register as a participant on the event website, and you can find attached more detailed information on each of the sessions of this year’s programme. We look forward to welcoming you in Sweden.


Detailed programme
(816.96 KB - PDF)
Digital Assembly