Factsheet // The EU in context

Check out the factsheet illustrating the context of the first State of the Digital Decade Report.

1. Digital infrastructures, in particular connectivity, and the digitalisation of businesses are the backbone towards a sovereign, competitive, and resilient European Union

2. Ensuring that citizens are empowered and protected online and have adequate digital skills to fully benefit from the digital transformation, such as from digital public services, is at the base of the European Union’s vision for an online world that is sustainable, safe, and inclusive for all.

  • How are we doing?
  • What are we doing? 
  • What should we do more?

3. What about EU values, sustainability and multi-country projects?

More information here.

Factsheet on EU's state of play on main digital points
(392.53 KB - PDF)
Digital Decade Policy Programme State of the Digital Decade Report sustainability