When Digital meets circular economy


The effects of climate change are estimated to intensify in the coming years as the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions keep rising. If we could manage to make our economy circular then we could reduce GHG emissions by 56%.

During the CONNECT University session on “When Digital meets Circular economy” Dr Janez Potočnik discussed not only the need to move to circular economy as a most efficient way to tackle climate change, but also how it is major prerequisite to also achieve many of the other environmental and social SDGs.

Dr Janez Potocnik highlighted the enabling power of the digital sector in the transition to circular economy and sustainability goals across many sectors. The session provided concrete examples and practices on what it will take to move from a linear / fossil to a circular /low carbon economy and how ICT sector needs in its turn to become greener by reducing its energy consumption and e-waste. In the same time, the lecture showed how the transition to a circular economy involves many opportunities, significantly boosting economic growth, while reducing environmental and health impacts.

The way we use our natural resources is defining our future. Watch the recording and discover more about this key topic.


Moderator: Ilias Iakovidis, Adviser for Societal Challenges, DG CONNECT

10:00-10:10 Opening remarks by Gerard de Graaf, Director F. Digital Single Market, DG CONNECT

10:10-10:50 Presentation by Janez Potočnik, United Nations Environment Programme, Co-chair of International Resource Panel

10:50-11:25 Q/A session 

11:25-11:30 Conclusions by Ilias Iakovidis, Adviser for Societal Challenges, DG CONNECT


climate change