Engaging citizens in green digital and fair transition


The active role of citizens and their direct involvement is essential to address climate change and other human actions harming the environment. This CONNECT University session focused on the social dimensions of climate change, more specifically on the interplay between climate as a phenomenon and our society, allowing for a broader understanding of climate vulnerability - people, planet and prosperity are highly exposed. The impact of the climate crisis will be increasingly felt by people from all around the globe, especially in terms of employment, housing, food security, and many other aspects. Watch the recording and discover how we can design better policies to address these impacts while ensuring a sustainable economic future.

Background information

This event is part of the CONNECT University Summer School 2021 on Digital for our Planet that aims to present cutting-edge innovations addressing how can digital technologies be harnessed to tackle climate change, both in terms of a greener digital system, as well as their role in helping reducing carbon emissions across industries. Check this blogpost for the full programme and more information. 

Engaging citizens in green digital and fair transition


Moderator: Ilias Iakovidis, Adviser for Digital Aspects of Green Transformation, European Commission, DG CONNECT

Ilias works on EU wide measures and initiatives that aim to improve the energy and material efficiency of ICT, e.g., making datacentres climate neutral and digital devices more circular. He is focused on maximising the benefits of green digital transformation for environment/climate, society and economy. Ilias is working on digitalisation for circular economy (e.g. digital product passport) and on the European Green Digital Coalition. He is fostering cooperation of relevant stakeholders to develop consistent and transparent methods to estimate the net impact of digital solutions on environment/climate, and, green digital transformation in sectors such as energy, transport, construction, agriculture and others. Before 2017, Ilias was working for over 20 years on eHealth and ICT for active and healthy ageing. 

  • Katie Patrick, environmental engineer and software designer, the author of the book and podcast How to Save the World, and a TEDx speaker on the critical role of creativity, optimism, and imagination in the craft of social and environmental change

Title of the presentation: Can gamification save the planet? How to make changing the world the greatest game we’ve ever played

Katie is an environmental engineer and software designer. She is the author of the book and podcast How to Save the Worldand a TEDx speaker on the critical role of creativity, optimism, and imagination in the craft of social and environmental change.

She designs "Fitbit for the planet" apps that help social impact entrepreneurs and sustainability professionals implement powerful data, game design and behavior-change techniques that create real and measurable change. You can see her concept designs here.  Her approach is to design interfaces, products, and campaigns that sharply tap into people's motivational core. 

She is the co-founder of Energy Lollipop and Urban Canopy in San Francisco — startups that are devoted to bringing down the peak CO2 released by the electricity grid. 

  • Stephanie Hankey, Designer, technologist and social entrepreneur, Co-founder Tactical Tech

Title of the presentation: Investigating the fine lines: sustainability and techno-solutionism

Stephanie Hankey is a designer, technologist and social entrepreneur with 20 years experience exploring the social and political impact of technology on society. She co-founded Tactical Tech in 2003 which is now the largest international NGO at the forefront of capacity building and public education on technology and society and is the co-curator of the award winning touring exhibition, The Glass Room. Stephanie was an Affiliate at Berkman Klein Centre for Internet and Society, Harvard University; a Visiting Industry Associate the Oxford Internet Institute, Oxford University; and awarded an Ashoka fellowship for her work as a social entrepreneur. She has a degree in History of Design from Manchester Metropolitan University and a Masters degree in Computer Related Design from the Royal College of Art, London. Stephanie's current work focuses on the use of technology in response to planetary crises. She serves on the Expert Panel of the Digitalization for Sustainability – Science in Dialogue (D4S) project.

  • Philipp Staab, Professor of "Sociology of the Future of Work" at Humboldt-Universität Berlin and at Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) & Dominik Piétron, Researcher at the professorship "Sociology of the Future of Work" at Humboldt University Berlin and part of Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF)

Title of the presentation: Sustainable Digital Market Design

Philipp Staab is professor for "Sociology of the Future of Work" at Humboldt University Berlin and Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF). He works on topics of technology, labour, political economy and social inequality. He is also part of  D4S, an interdisciplinary network of European researchers focussing on digitalisation and sustainability.

Dominik Piétron is a researcher at the professorship "Sociology of the Future of Work" at Humboldt University Berlin and part of Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF). He works on topics of data governance, stakeholder platforms and European technopolitics.

Sustainable Digital Market Design
(567.5 KB - PDF)
EU Green Deal digital 4 sustainability climate change Digital for our Planet