Diversity and empowerment: Understanding the realities of older people - Digital Dialogue Workshop

Our ever-changing world makes us face numerous challenges, many of which affect our quality of life, personal health and care systems. Replying to those challenges requires a comprehensive and yet detailed understanding of each individual and the real-life contexts in which people live.

Do you feel you master your well-being? Are you at the driving seat regarding the way you are catered for?

Understanding ageing in its complexity is the ethos of the Horizon2020-funded SHAPES project, developing a whole organizational, structural, social, and technological ecosystem for ageing well.

The project invites you to an online dialogue between older people, people with disabilities, academics, researchers and the general public. By exposing the lived realities of older people and people with disabilities, the workshop will seek to challenge prejudices around ageing. It will exhort participants to get closer to people’s realities and experiences. The workshop will show the ways in which SHAPES is working hard to respond to users’ needs, as illustrated by the #SHAPESstories.

The workshop will be accessible on Zoom on October 26th, from 10.00 to 13.00 CET.

In English, simultaneous translation will be offered in German, Italian and Spanish, alongside with International Sign Language. Speech-to-text will also be available in the four spoken languages.

The complete agenda and the registration link are available here: https://shapes2020.eu/workshops/workshop-4/

For more information, you can reach out to Ilenia.gheno@age-platform.eu and Borja.arrue@age-platform.eu.

Older people are diverse. We must put this diversity at the core of innovation. Help us understand how best to do it. October 26, 2021, SHAPES project www.shapes2020.eu
older people Technology dialogue workshop disability stories