HYBRID: Digital health - How ecosystems and clusters integrate green and digital transition (European Week of Regions and Cities side event)


Campus Heart, Savonia University of Applied Sciences
Microkatu 1
70210 Kuopio

Savonia University of Applied Sciences and SuperEcosystem (an ECCP-certified Meta-Cluster developed by Savonia UAS during a project funded by the Regional Council of Pohjois-Savo) are pleased to have been chosen by the European Week of Regions and Cities to host a hybrid side event in Kuopio, Finland and on Zoom on Friday October 28, 2022 9:00-17:00 EEST. The event is free of charge.

Theme: “Digital health - How ecosystems and clusters integrate green and digital transition”

Full agendahttps://superecosystem.fi/event/european-week-of-regions-and-cities-ewrc-side-event/

Description: The event will focus on describing and sharing best practices on how clusters and ecosystems can be key drivers to achieve green and digital transformation goals in cooperation with public organizations. There will be roundtable discussions with top experts and workshops focused on helping companies and organizations further their green and digital transition activities. Network with key actors to discuss cooperation opportunities such as projects, testing and piloting, business growth, and more.


***Zoom link will be sent after registration.***


data ethics; digital education; AI skills; artificial intelligence Active and Healthy Ageing; User-centered Approach; Technology; Citizen Empowerment digital and green transitions Agrifood Circular Economy Water-food-energy nexus