DAPAS Project

The DAPAS project aims to develop a solution to improve older adults' quality of life, promoting active and healthy ageing. It is composed of an app and home base devices to enhance security and autonomy. Technical partners created the solution created the solution from different European Union countries, and three organizations, in Portugal, Austria and Luxembourg, will test the support system, for one year. The features are specifically designed to address the older users' needs whilst considering the lack of accessibility and low digital literacy. One key aspect of the project is continuous user's feedback to improve the solution and specific ethical tasks to guarantee their rights accomplishment. The solution became crucial during the pandemic as it has provided tools to fight loneliness, cognitive training and socialization activities made at a distance, ensuring users would keep active and healthy whilst staying at home.DAPAS is co-funded by the European AAL Joint Programme (Active and Assisted Living — ICT for ageing well, Call 2017) and by FCT (Portugal), FNR (Luxembourg) and FFG (Austria).

Project's website: https://dapas-project.eu/
