This was the Urban Mobility Partnership's 8th meeting, October 2018, Nijmegen

On 4 to 5 October 2018, the 8th meeting of the Partnership for Urban Mobility (PUM) took place in Nijmegen, Netherlands. Frantisek Kubes, representing the Co-coordinator Czech Republic, opened the meeting with a presentation of the Partnership’s summer activities. 

The meeting’s objective was to give a final touch to the Action Plan to make it ready for presentation at the Directors-General meeting on Urban Matters (DGUM) in November 2018. Additionally, partners gathered to develop concrete implementation ideas for the Actions. 

The City of Ulm (DE) joined this meeting as an observer and expressed its interest to support the Actions, particularly the Action on New Mobility Services. ERTICO-ITS Europe, equally interested in supporting this Action by way of knowledge exchange with the PUM, showcased its expertise in the field of new mobility services. Another guest, the Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) Urban Europe, presented its efforts regarding urban mobility. 

Since the last meeting in June 2018 (read a recap here), Coordinators and Action Leaders had been working on different activities towards finalising the Action Plan. For instance, they collected feedback on the Action Plan at the EUROCITIES Mobility Forum held in Burgas (BG) in September 2018. There, cities were specifically asked to provide good practices for behavioural change campaigns. 

The Co-coordinator Karlsruhe reported that it had been drafting recommendations on cross-border mobility together with interested partners, which would be included in the final Action Plan upon Partnership approval. 

The Action Leaders went on to present the implementation potential of Actions, which were discussed before their content was fine-tuned in a “marketplace” workshop session. 

The Partnership concluded the first meeting day with a city tour by bike and a dinner at the invitation of the City of Nijmegen.

On the second meeting day, the Partnership decided on a number of changes regarding specific Action deliverables. The next steps towards the implementation phase, including elaborating roadmaps for each Action, were discussed and will be further developed in the run-up and during the 9th Partnership meeting, to be held on 31 January and 1 February 2019 in Brussels

UPDATE: The Partnership’s final Action Plan was endorsed at the DGUM meeting in November 2018. Read it here. 


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Action Plan urban mobility Directors General Meeting on Urban Matters implementation phase