Call for proposals including protection of public spaces

Call for proposals including protection of public spaces: cities can apply (at least 2 entities from at least 2 Member States)

In order to support the implementation of the Counter-Terrorism Package, the Commission has published within the framework of the Internal Security Fund – Police a call for proposals with the total amount of EUR 18 500 000.

Projects selected will support implementation of:

  • Action Plan to support the protection of public spaces;
  • Action Plan to enhance preparedness against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear security risks
  • Commission recommendation on immediate steps to prevent misuse of explosives precursors

as well as actions aiming at better protection of critical infrastructures against emerging threats.


The Commission will support transnational projects (involving entities from at least two Member States participating in the Fund) aimed at rapid enhancement in protection of public spaces and increased preparedness against CBRN risks.

The projects may last up to three years and the grant amount has to be more than EUR 350 000 and up to EUR 3 000 000.

The call is addressed to Member States central, regional and local authorities as well as private stakeholders.


The deadline for submission of proposals is 1 February 2018; 17h00 Brussels time.


The text of the call can be found here.


cities DG HOME call for proposals ISFP