Final adjustments to the Draft Action Plan discussed at the 6th Partnership Meeting

The 6th meeting of the Partnership on Digital Transition kicked off on January 15th with a welcome and presentation session from the City of Hamburg, host of the meeting, who explained their digital strategy and shared their success story in digital developments (including of the Hamburg Port area, the second-busiest port in Europe).

A catch-up session led by Mika Rantakokko, one of the Partnership’s Coordinators, took then place prior to the start of the working sessions. In the working sessions, Partnership members split in groups to work on the finalisation of actions. First they tackled actions under the themes ‘Effective use of urban data’; ‘Helping cities to become digital’; and ‘Teaching cities to innovate within the digital transition’ followed by work on actions within the themes ‘How will citizens learn to become digital?’ and ‘Implementing key enabling technologies’.

A call-for-action to prepare the Public Feedback paved the way for a detailed discussion on the final drafting of the introductory text, which will cover principles and scope of the Partnership, data, and cross-cutting issues, among other topics. Additionally, Partnership members also discussed the possibilities for promotion of the Public Feedback, to be further developed in the next meeting in Tallinn.

Digital transition Hamburg Partnership Meeting draft action plan