Public libraries often referred to as third places, are lighthouses for education, exchange, inspiration and citizen engagement in European cities. However, they are rather invisible on the European agenda.
Within the framework of the Urban Agenda for the EU, the Partnership on Culture and Cultural Heritage through its Action 5 has set itself the task of creating a provable basis for this thesis and is intended to make public libraries more visible at the European level. Its aim is to raise awareness among decision-makers, to recognise the importance of public libraries for Europe and to derive recommendations from this for the European level.
In this context, the Senate Department for Culture and Europe of the City of Berlin and the European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations (EBLIDA) are organising two online discussions on the topic in 2021 in cooperation with the city of Espoo, the German Library Association (dvb), the Finnish Library Association (Suomen Kirjastoseura) and the European organisation Public Libraries 2030.
Are you interested in participating?
Discover the full programme of the webinar here and register here!
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- Ετικέτες
- Action 5 Public Librairies Senate Department for Culture and Europe of the City of Berlin European Bureau of Library EBLIDA dbv Epsoo Finnish Libray Association Public Libraries 2030