Re-Imagining Ethical AI in Academic and Industrial Software Development


Trinity Long Room Hub Arts and Humanities Research Institute
Trinity College Dublin
College Green
Co. Dublin

Do your software ethics tools run as well as your code? Discover, discuss and design new tools for ethical AI.


You are invited to take part in an interactive workshop in the Trinity Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin on 27 October 2023 from 10.00 - 12.30. This workshop forms the Dublin contribution to the Knowledge Technologies for Democracy project (KT4D). 


KT4D is a Horizon Europe project which is developing a distinctive approach to the emerging tensions between AI and big data on one side, and civic participation and democracy on the other. Learn more on our website:


The workshop will feature discussion of current approaches to ethics in AI and software development, while exploring practices and possibilities in a co-creation activity. A detailed event outline will follow registration. 


The event will include: 

  • Welcome and introduction 
  • Ethical issues in software design: discussion of current approaches and examples, from ethical audits to red teaming, and beyond.
  • Exploring community practice: co-creation activity

Lunch and refreshments will be provided.


To ensure that we have sufficient time to guarantee accessibility requirements, we invite you to register as soon as possible.

AI Knowledge Technology Ethical Software