Slovak AI

Memorandum of incorporation of a civil organization SLOVAK AI will be signed on 27th June 2019, in Aula Minor, Slovakian Technical University in Bratislava @13:00 joining the AI related interests of academia, public and private sector and citizens of Slovakia. 

A collaborative effort to create a platform to connect, share and advance AI related interests in Slovakia adhering to European values in order to help foster an inclusive and sustainable society. 

Focus is on creation and fostering of trustworthy and human centric AI ecosystem as defined by the HL Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence. 

During the official launch, our leading AI scientist, Maria Bielikova presents Slovak AI roadmap and its strategy. 

27th June 2019, Aula Minor, Slovakian Technical University in Bratislava @13:00 

AI AI alliance digitalRespect4Her AIEcosystem AIResearchAndApplication