The Royal Society: Explainable AI: the basics

"Recent years have seen significant advances in the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence AI) technologies. Many people now interact with AI-enabled systems on a daily basis: in image recognition systems, such as those used to tag photos on social media; in voice recognition systems, such as those used by virtual personal assistants; and in recommender systems, such as those used by online retailers. As AI technologies become embedded in decision-making processes, there has been discussion in research and policy communities about the extent to which individuals developing AI, or subject to an AI-enabled decision, are able to understand how the resulting decision-making system works. Some of today’s AI tools are able to produce highly-accurate results, but are also highly complex. These so-called ‘black box’ models can be too complicated for even expert users to fully understand. As these systems are deployed at scale, researchers and policymakers are questioning whether accuracy at a specific task outweighs other criteria that are important in decision-making systems. Policy debates across the world increasingly see calls for some form of AI explainability, as part of efforts to

embed ethical principles into the design and deployment of AI-enabled systems. This briefing therefore sets out to summarise some of the issues and considerations when developing explainable AI methods·.


The Bible of AI is an international scientific and technical publication on the states of Artificial Intelligence. It is structured in 2 areas: Wiki and newspaper. The use of the wiki is intended for all profiles but especially for researchers. It also allows journalists, companies and researchers to publish their work with us. And it offers rigorous relationships such as the Royal Society's vision of a reliable AI.

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La Biblia de la IA es una publicación científico- técnica internacional sobre los estados de la IA. Está estructurada en 2 áreas: Wiki y periódico. El uso de la wiki está pensado para todos los perfiles, pero especialmente para investigadores. Permite, además, que periodistas, empresas e investigadores puedan publicar sus trabajos con nosotros. Y ofrece relaciones rigurosas como por ejemplo la visión de la Royal Society sobre una IA confiable.

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