Welcome to the Working Group 4 - ICT security and competitiveness!

This Community is part of the larger EU-US Trade and Technology Council Community on Futurium, which is a virtual space for businesses, public authorities, innovators, researchers, civil society, and policymakers to shape the EU and US discussions in the Trade and Technology Council together.

The Trade and Technology Council was set up at the June 2021 EU-US summit and serves as a forum for the European Union and the United States to coordinate approaches to key global trade, economic, and technology issues and to deepen transatlantic trade and economic relations based on shared democratic values.

The working group is tasked to continue to work towards ensuring security, diversity, interoperability and resilience across the ICT supply chain, including sensitive and critical areas such as 5G, undersea cables, data centres, and cloud infrastructure. The working group is tasked to explore concrete cooperation on development finance for secure and resilient digital connectivity in third countries. The working group is also tasked to seek to reinforce cooperation on research and innovation for beyond 5G and 6G systems. The US and EU governments, in close cooperation with relevant stakeholders, could develop a common vision and roadmap for preparing the next generation of communication technologies towards 6G. The group is further tasked to discuss data security.

On the EU side, this working group is co-led by Director for Digital Society, Trust and Cybersecurity in DG CONNECT, and the Director for Future Networks in DG CONNECT.

If you are interested to learn more about the EU-US Trade and Technology Council’s work under Working Group 4 - ICT security and competitiveness and become part of this transatlantic endeavor, please log in into Futurium or create your Futurium account. 


The EU-US Trade and Technology Community team


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