Action Cluster 3: Regeneration of Urban Deprived Areas and Neighbourhoods

Regeneration of Urban Deprived Areas and Neighbourhoods (UDAN) is one of the action clusters of the Urban Poverty Partnership and is composed of two actions:

Action 6: Cohesion Policy Post 2020: Setting up a new Urban Territorial Objective

Action 7: Cohesion Policy Post 2020: Local Pact for the Regeneration of Urban Deprived Areas


What bottleneck do these Actions address?

The convergence and the socio-spatial consequences of impoverishment concentrate poverty in disadvantaged neighbourhoods. Regarding the 2014-2020 programming period of Cohesion Policy, there is a lack of focus on urban areas. Moreover, the ERDF and ESF do not have the same logic of intervention, which makes it difficult for urban authorities to develop integrated strategies to tackle the complex issue of deprived neighbourhoods.


How do the Actions aim to achieve this?

Action 6 aims at creating an Urban Territorial Objective and Action 7 calls for a Local Pact for the regeneration of UDAN. The Urban Territorial Objective is meant to be set in the context of the post-2020 Cohesion Policy to specifically face the problems of urban deprived neighbourhoods. The Local Pact is seen as a multi-fund instrument giving cities a leading role in designing their urban regeneration strategies, focused on a place-based and people-based approach. These actions will allow a more integrated use of the ESF and the ERDF by urban authorities.


Have steps for implementation already been taken?

The call for a stronger focus on urban areas and integrated territorial actions can be deemed as being reflected in the new European Commission Regulation proposal, which proposes a 6% earmarking of the ERDF envelope to sustainable urban development in comparison to the current 5% allocation.

Action 7 is progressing as well: URBACT is implementing a Local Pact pilot project. It plans to come up with different examples and methods of Local Pacts before the end of 2018 based on four countries’ (France, Germany, Poland, Spain) experimentations. A policy lab in July 2018 brought together experiences from these four countries in fighting local deprivation.


What is the further planning?

In addition to the first meeting in July 2018, two more URBACT policy labs will be held throughout the year in Poland and Spain.


Who is the Action Leader?

URBACT is the leader of Actions 6 and 7.


Related activities

More details on these actions can be found in the Action Plan.


Disclaimer: All views expressed in this Action description are solely those of the Urban Poverty Partnership members as stated in the Action Plan and not those of any individual party or entity with which they may be associated.


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Action Plan urban poverty EU cohesion policy URBACT deprived neighbourhoods