Selection of operations Community: checklist for Programme authorities, and next meeting

Dear practitioners,


we would like to briefly update you on the upcoming events and latest activities.


The next online event of the Selection of operations community will take place on Thursday 21st September (10.00-12.30), you can already save the date!


Meanwhile, we would like to collect your suggestions and input to best design the next meetings through a new survey which will be open until 21 July 2023. Your input will help us identify the best topics to discuss in the Community:


Please fill in here the survey on selection of operations topics (3-5 min).


Finally, we would like to inform you that the community champions and our team have worked on a new output, i.e. a checklist to guide programme authorities in the definition and assessment of selection criteria.


Your input and comments would be valuable to further enrich the draft document.

If you would like to consult and contribute to the checklist, please let us know and we will send you the document in its current version and give you access to add suggestions.


The draft final version of the checklist will be discussed in the September meeting.


The Regio Peer2Peer Management Team