Piloting of the Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI

On behalf of the High Level Expert Group on AI (AI HLEG) and the European Commission, we would like to thank all 450 organisations and individuals for expressing their interest in the piloting process of the Ethics Guidelines Trustworthy AI.

A list of the first 77 entities who have already submitted their feedback can be found here.

This feedback will allow for a better understanding of how the assessment list which accompanies the Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI and aims to offer guidance to operationalise its 7 key requirements,  can be implemented within various entities. It will also indicate where specific tailoring of the assessment list is needed given AI’s context-specificity.

Participation in the piloting process is confirmed after registered entities provide their feedback in one of the following ways:

  1. Quantitative analysis –  An online questionnaire is sent to the entities by email after their registration.
  2. Qualitative analysis – A number of organisations that expressed their interest for this part of the piloting process will be selected on the basis of e.g. geographical, sectorial and organisational size criteria to participate in a set of “in depth” interviews.
  3. Continuous exchange of Feedback and Best Practices through the European AI Alliance – the possibility to upload feedback, workshop reports and white papers that discuss this topic and provide feedback on the refinement of the assessment list.

We are looking forward to receiving your feedback!


pilotingprocess assessmentlist ethicsguidelinesfortrustworthyAI bestpracticesfortrustworthyAI trustworthyai Aihleg