Facial Recognition technology: It’s time for action

In a new blog post, Microsoft lays out the need for new laws and regulations in view of the deployment of facial recognition technologies. We also recognize that they are not a substitute for the responsibility that needs to be exercised by tech companies. Yesterday, we published the principles that we will adopt for Microsoft’s facial recognition work and inviting feedback to guide our implementation of them.

Please see here: https://blogs.microsoft.com/on-the-issues/2018/12/06/facial-recognition…

facial recognition


Von Anonymous (nicht überprüft) am Mo., 10/12/2018 - 18:43

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Antwort auf von Anonymous (nicht überprüft)

Profile picture for user n00236w3
Von Stefan Keller am Di., 12/02/2019 - 23:29

Not necessarily - as some private use cases are exempt (household exemption). 

Antwort auf von Anonymous (nicht überprüft)

Profile picture for user n002daga
Von Kai Salmela am Do., 14/02/2019 - 08:45

Is it really forced in the consumer market?  Most of the new cellphones do have facial recognition ( FR ) and you're oblicated to use features like this if you want to use your phone in any meaningfull way. Ofcourse they tell you that this is the case and the choise is yours, but those packages have only main languages covered, often smaller languages are left out or they have translation so bad that you cannot read it. From your phone information is really easy to transfer somewhere else, where GDPR does'nt apply.

And this does'nt end there, facial recognition is coming to everywhere. People seek always easier ways to use their gadgets and FR is one of those. Pretty soon your  FaceBook will open when it  see you, Your sport store can offer new sneakers for you in the right siize when you walk in, Your grocery store can recommend you the right items for your diet etc.

What  can we do that FR is used only with the responsible manner ?  How do we force GDPR in the reality?   Should there be a "GDPR compliant" certification  for our gadgets? I can only urge everyone to participate into the work of AI standardization thru your national bodies. That ISO standard for AI has a lot to offer , but also a lot to lose...




Profile picture for user npennise
Von Elio PENNISI am Sa., 15/12/2018 - 13:49

Cornelia, The links you mention lead to untraceable docs. Thanks for helping.

Von Marcin KOWALSKI am Sa., 15/12/2018 - 16:39

Could you update the link?

Profile picture for user dervijo
Von Jola DERVISHAJ am So., 16/12/2018 - 21:11

Kindly note that the link has been updated and is now correctly linking to the blog post page!