Workshop on “Transforming Decision and Policy Making through Big Data”


Danube University Krems
Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße, 30
3500 Krems

New concepts, especially those that consider the available big data as a way of ensuring accurate and meaningful input to all stakeholders’ groups that can help establish new types of evidence-informed policies and decision making in general, are of the utmost importance. However, despite the investments continuously performed and initiatives implemented during the last years in the corresponding research and application fields, it is hard to allege that “we are already there” when it comes to full exploitation of ICT innovations and data towards meeting the societal and financial needs that are emerging.

In the context of the EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2018 conference held on Krems, Austria, four EU funded projects (namely Big Policy Canvas, PoliVisu, BigDataOcean and AEGIS) would like to offer their perspective on how the needs of decision and policy making in different sectors can be met.

To achieve its purpose, representatives of public authorities, civil society organisations, ICT research organisations, big data providers and companies are very welcome to participate and contribute. The workshop will be highly-interactive and will use engaging activities, including game-storming session to motivate the participants to share their point of view.

broadband France big data fibre connectivity European Commission EU network Modernising public administration structural funds ESIF EIB EU funding ERDF BCO BCO-SF European Regional Development Fund BCO Support Facility BCO Network good practice broadband EU rural development cohesion fibreoptic ESI funds Grand Est