Support service for Citizen-led renovation goes EUSEW

🌍🏡 At last week's EUSEW session on "Support Services for Citizen-Led Renovation," experts discussed the critical role of citizens and local communities in driving energy renovations to meet the EU’s climate and energy targets. Moderated by Stefan Scheuer, the session emphasised empowering citizens to lead in decarbonising residential buildings.

Stefan Moser from DG ENER highlighted the tools provided by the recast Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, stressing the importance of sharing local best practices. Luís Cachinho from Coopérnico and Annik Bogaerts from Life IP BE REEL shared insights on supporting local energy communities and engaging citizens in renovation efforts.

Jeroen Baets from Energent underscored the need for simplifying renovation processes, while Felix Kriedemann from Rescoop emphasized bringing ownership of renovations back to citizens. The session concluded with a focus on practical benefits like payback and investment returns to encourage citizen participation.

For more insights, watch the full session recording on YouTube here.

Read more about the session here

several people on a podium discussing