Cross-border infrastructure projects. The European Investment Bank’s role

This May, the European Investment Bank (EIB) unveiled its publication concerning cross-border infrastructure projects. This report primarily focuses on fixed-asset investments that establish physical connections between two or more countries, facilitating the seamless movement of individuals, goods, commodities, and data.

Deviating from the conventional approach employed during the development of infrastructure projects confined to a single nation, cross-border initiatives pose heightened challenges during their inception, design, and execution due to numerous substantial barriers. These barriers encompass factors such as fragmentation, disparities in demand and prioritization, divergent legal and standards frameworks, and other pertinent considerations.

Within the report, an in-depth exploration of these barriers is presented alongside several illustrative case studies showcasing the European Investment Bank's wealth of experience in cross-border infrastructure projects.

For access to the complete report, visit the official website of the European Investment Bank by following this link.

