Call for proposals of b-solutions 2.0 extended

AEBR is pleased to announce that, in cooperation with DG REGIO of the European Commission, the second call for proposals under the b-solutions 2.0 project has been extended until resources are available.

Public bodies (municipalities, regions, hospitals, universities, health agencies, etc.) and cross-border entities (Euroregions, EGTC, etc.)  are invited to submit their applications and receive advice from b-solutions experts to:

  • Understand legal and administrative obstacles;
  • Find sustainable solutions;
  • Raise awareness of cross-border cooperation along EU internal land and maritime borders as well as along EU borders with EFTA and IPA countries.

The call for proposals to take part is accessible here:

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis and can be submitted in any European language.

For further information:



Von Stefan Graziadei am Mi., 08/11/2023 - 15:14

That is very good news. B-solutions is a very useful programme and we are glad to see it extended.