5 - A provider adds and updates a new Resource on data, application or infrastructure, on the Dataspace’s Catalogue

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To help understand the content of this document, readers should familiarize themselves with the key definitions and actors and the business process introduction containing the diagram legend.

This Business Process describes the publication of resources on the dataspace's catalogue. Resource Providers supply not only Resource-Descriptions, but also access and usage policies and contract templates. Resource Description can refer to data, applications, or infrastructure. These descriptions are validated on correctness of syntaxes, semantics, and compliance with quality standards defined by the Governance Authority. Providers receive feedback on these validations. Once validated, the descriptions are published to the catalogue, making resources discoverable and accessible by other dataspace Participants. This process ensures that published entries comply to the quality imposed by the Governance Authority, while keeping the Providers in control of the access and usage of their resources.  

The following actors are involved in the current process:Governance Authority andProvider. 

Note: The process of managing existing dataspace catalogue items is handled via a separate business process: “Update of a Resource from the catalogue” (Business Process – 12A), which is still work in progress. Validated service description is a write once operation; hence a combination of functions such as retrieve service description, change service description status, and add new service description will be used to handle the update process. 

Prerequisites business process: 

The following prerequisites must be met to enable the process to occur: 

  • Provider Onboarded: Before the Provider can add any resources to a dataspace, they should have successfully completed the onboarding business process (Business Process – 3A). 
  • End User Authenticated & Authorised: It is assumed that the End User, who is effectively performing the steps in the process, is authenticated and has the appropriate role and permissions to perform them (Business Process – 3B). 
  • Schemas Provided: The Governance Authority has defined and made available schemas for the different types of resources descriptions.  These schemas may refer to vocabularies also available in the dataspace. Moreover, the Governance Authority has defined quality rules that will add further restrictions on acceptable Resource Description s so that their quality is guaranteed. 

Business Process Diagram & Steps 

This chapter presents a diagram visualizing the business process, labelled with specific steps. Each step is further detailed in the accompanying 'Step Description'. 

Diagram depicting a Provider adding a new data-, application-, or infrastructure resource to the Dataspace’s Catalogue.
Figure 2: Diagram depicting a Provider adding a new data-, application-, or infrastructure resource to the Dataspace’s Catalogue.

Step Description: 

Below there is a detailed description of the steps involved in this business process. Each step outlines the specific actions and decisions required to successfully complete the process: 

  1. Create a resource-description: The Provider fetches schemas which describe the mandatory and recommended fields provided by the data Governance Authority. Based on the schema retrieved, the resource Provider can create the description of the resource. The description can require different information depending on the type of resource (e.g., deployment script for an infrastructure service or deployment instructions for applications). The resource Provider can also choose to assign additional information, such as access policies, usage policies, contract information, etc., to the resource.  
  2. Sign & submit resource-description: The description is digitally signed by the Provider and send to the Governance Authority for validation. 
  3. Validate syntaxes & semantics: The Resource Description is validated on the correctness of the included syntaxes (e.g., specific format and structure rules) and is semantically validated against the relevant vocabularies by the Governance Authority 
  4. Passed Validation?: If both the syntax and semantics are successfully validated, then the process continues to step 6. If either or both syntax and semantics do not pass validation, then the process returns to step 5. 
  5. Remediate issues: After the Provider receives the error report, the Provider can correct the errors, and reverts to step 1. 
  6. Validate quality rules: The Resource Description is validated against the quality rules defined by the Governance Authority. 
  7. Passed Validation?: If the quality is successfully validated, then the process continues to step 8. If the quality does not pass validation, then the process goes to step 5. 
  8. Publish the Resource Description:Once all validations are successfully completed, the Resource Description of the resource is published on the dataspace catalogue, making it discoverable to other Participants (Business Process – 06). 



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Indsendt af Marleen Valkenburg den tor, 04/04/2024 - 11:41

The current description of this L0 is high-over, where I think it could use some information on how Data, Application and Infrastructure are defined and the role. Looking forward to the respective L1 and L2 requirements to get more details.

Som svar til af Marleen Valkenburg

Indsendt af Johan van Wyk den man, 08/04/2024 - 11:14

Thanks for your engagement and contribution. We're busy across teams preparing to review contributions and update requirements, including a changelog. We'll share details once ready and review this comment per process.