Citizen-centric Design and Delivery of Digital Public Services


Building SQUARE - Brussels Convention Centre, Room Hall 100
rue Mont des Arts
1000 Brussels

This workshop will offer the opportunity to participants to learn, exchange views and explore ways to design user-centric digital public administrations at local and regional level. Citizen-centric administrations are one of the main ingredients of good governance because they put citizens and businesses at the core of their operations. In October 2017, EU and EFTA countries gave a new impetus to user-centricity by signing a Ministerial Declaration on eGovernment with 8 fundamental principles in Tallinn. User-centricity is even more important for local and regional administrations as they are at the forefront of delivering many of the public services and making decisions that affect individuals in their community every day. The workshop will showcase best practices but also other inspiring efforts which contribute to livelier and more participatory cities and regions across Europe.
