Launch of the State of Housing in Europe 2021 (online)

'State of Housing in Europe’ is the flagship biennial publication of the Housing Europe Observatory and its 2021 edition will be officially launched on Friday 26th March (online).

On the agenda, you can expect a first analysis of the impact the COVID-19 crisis has had on public, cooperative, social housing; more than 20 country profiles illustrating different housing realities and concrete policy recommendations on how to overcome substantial challenges to decent, sustainable, inclusive, affordable housing.

A high-level panel of experts from the European Parliament, European Commission and the Portuguese presidency of the Council of the EU will discuss the link between housing and health after the pandemic, the latest developments in national housing policies and what is in there for post-COVID Europe.

Join the event on Friday 26th of March & use the hashtag #StateOfHousing on Twitter! You will find the detailed programme and the registration link below.


10:00 – 10:10     

Opening by President of Housing Europe Bent Madsen

10:10 – 10:30     

Presentation of the main findings of the report by Ms. Alice Pittini, Research Director, Housing Europe

Q&A on conclusions of the report

10:45 – 11:45     

Round Table on State of Housing in Europe 

Actions & next steps from Portuguese Presidency of the EU, the European Parliament & Commission:

  • Portuguese Presidency of the EU: Pedro Nuno Santos, Minister for Infrastructure & Housing, Portugal
  • Member of the European Parliament & Rapporteur on Own-Initiative Report  ‘Access to Decent and Affordable Housing for All’, Kim van Sparrentak
  • Declan Costello, Deputy Director-General, The Directorate‑General for Economic and Financial Affairs
  • Lucie Davoine, Deputy Head of Unit DG Employment, European Commission
  • Alessandro Rancati, Design for Policy at the New European Bauhaus, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
  • Bent Madsen, President of Housing Europe
  • Alice Pittini, Research Director, Housing Europe

Moderated by Laurent Ghékière, Chair of the Housing Europe Observatory

Conclusions by Sorcha Edwards, Secretary-General of Housing Europe

Click here to register!  

State of Housing in Europe Housing Europe Observatory Housing Europe