Input requests for the Deliverables of the AI HLEG

Dear members of the AI Alliance,

Working on the draft AI ethics guidelines and the Policy & Investment recommendations, the HLEG has identified a series of questions to which they would like to gather your input (as was already announced in the blogpost of the AI HLEG Chair, Pekka Ala-Pietilä). During the last week, rapporteurs of the thematic subgroups have presented these questions to you, through the following discussions:

- Red Lines for the use of AI

- Business Impact

- Business Impact - Focus on Healthcare

- Skills and Education

- Citizen Engagement Impact

- World Class Research

- Public Services

As valuable input has been already received, I would like to invite you to further explore the discussions and share your personal views, professional experiences or spontaneous ideas.

Your contribution will feed the discussion and drafting process of the two deliverables which will also be discussed during the next AI HLEG workshop on the 13th of December.

Thank you in advance!


AI HLEG - Input request