Let's Make Health Non-Negotiable in the AI Act Negotiations

Dear Alliance Members,

The EU legislative proposal on Artificial Intelligence unfortunately has little eye for the needs of the health sector. To protect patients' rights, it’s therefore essential that MEPs who will negotiate the act in the coming months take a health-centric approach. Our new animated video, which follows on from a recently published op-ed in Euractiv, lays out some of the key concerns and explains why health deserves special consideration in the AI Act.


The animation is now available on social media and YouTube.

AI Act


Vytvořil uživatel Aleksandra Podgórska dne Po, 07/11/2022 - 07:27

These concerns are not new and have been regularly appearing in the industry for years. Medical use of AI indeed deserves special treatment, but I do not think that overregulation of the sector is anyhow helpful. AI producers already are subject to many restrictive regulations (e.g. GDPR, MDR) and now the EU plans to impose even more restrictions and liabilities by introducing AI Act, reformed Product Liability, and AI Liability Directives. We wish to have unbiased and accurate systems but we don't allow producers to develop them, there is not enough attention put on access to data which is AI fuel.  Imposing more restrictions without allowing industry to develop will be counterproductive and will end up in an exodus of developers to the less restrictive markets such as the USA, leaving the EU behind in this AI race.