CloudOpting - Digital Public Services Hackathon



Service Providers:

– Discover state of the art technologies and practice with them (Doker, Puppet, etc)

– Obtain feedback from public administration on your services

– Be in the CloudOpting Public Services Catalogue

– Know if your services are CloudOpting compliant ASAP

Services Subscribers:

– Understand the current trends in the cloud industry.

– Consider new business scenarios to adapt your IT strategy (explore new concepts for public applications and find out how much you can save).

– Enhance your international networks of cities and share experiences and best practice.

– Have a wide range of applications in a catalogue that can be suitable to bid.

– Foster local economic development.- Provide local companies the tools and IT framework with which to grow.


  • One Tech Day to migrate your public service application to our MarketPlace and one Networking Day between the Services Providers and Services Subscribers.
  • If you have an application for public services, or if you are a public administration who would like to see the lastest innovative applications which could support your local authroity.
  • Register to one of the 3 Hacks through the CloudOpting website and if you are selected they will contact you with guidance on how to prepare for the


2 November 2016 - 9 November 2016 - 23 November 2016 - 1 December 2016 - check it out!

cloud eGovernment hackathon digital public services