FRONTEM: A manifesto on the future of cross-border cooperation in Europe

Several researchers and practitioners from the Jean Monnet network FRONTEM (a network of 7 universities and educational structures in Europe and Canada) have elaborated their ideas for the future of Europe post Covid 19 in a manifesto available in three languages:

- English:

- German:

- French:

We are now happy to share these ideas and proposals with you!

This manifesto was commented and discussed by Anne SANDER, Member of the European Parliament; Karl-Heinz LAMBERTZ, President of AEBR, member of the CoR and President of the Parliament of the German speaking community in Belgium; Klaus SCHÜLE, Director of the cross-border cooperation service of the Regierungspräsidium Freiburg; Philippe VOIRY, Ambassador for intergovernmental commissions, cooperation and border issues – French Ministry of European and Foreign Affairs. All of them welcomed the effort of synthesis constituted by this document, gave some lines of thought and assured the authors and more generally the FRONTEM network of their support. We thank them very much and we will come back to them to concretise certain proposals.

Front page of the manifesto in English
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