eGovernment Action Plan- share your experience


In April 2016 the European Commission launched the eGovernment Action Plan, which is focusing on three main political priorities:

  • Modernising public administrations using Key Digital Enablers (for example technical building blocks such as CEF DSIs like eID, eSignature, eDelivery, etc.),

  • Enabling mobility of citizens and businesses by cross-border interoperability,

  • Facilitating digital interaction between administrations and citizens/businesses for high-quality public services.


The Action Plan did not have a dedicated budget or funding instrument. However, it was meant to coordinate the funding sources and accompanying measures that are available to Member States through different EU programmes.

To achieve this, a guide was developed to help EU funds managers, public administrations and/or implementers to ensure that the envisaged eGovernment investment is in line with the principles and priorities set out in the EU eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020.


It is almost two years now from the launching of the Action Plan: have you any experience to share that could be useful in a cross-border context?

