ITEM releases 2023 cross-border impact assessment!

ITEM 2023 assessment overview with dossiers and the names of those

The Institute for Transnational and Euregional Cross-Border Cooperation and Mobility (ITEM) has released its 2023 Assessment on the impact of cross-border cooperation. To gain a better perspective, the summary of the Assessment is available here.

The assessment consists of 6 different dossiers analyzing a variety of cross-border related topics, applying a common methodology. 

ITEM's methodology is broken down in three separate stages: 

  1. identification via surveys and core activities, evaluation by the Working Group, and subsequent research.
  2. The Working Group assesses topics based on relevance, alignment with ITEM's focus, requests received, and frequency.
  3. Selected researchers undertake separate impact assessment studies, culminating in individual dossiers contributing to the yearly ITEM Cross-Border Impact Assessment.

This year's dossiers are as follows: 

  1. Euregional Barometer: broad prosperity from a cross-border perspective
  2. Transnational Infrastructure projects: Ambitions, sectors, instruments and effect on border regions
  3. Kinderzuschlag and Kindgebonden budget: The border worker caught in the middle?
  4. Future-proof acute care in the Netherlands: 360° cross-border perspectives
  5. Public Transportation in the Euroregion Meuse-Rhine (student dossier)
  6. Impact Internationalisation higher education in balance 

Stay tuned for more a detailed analysis on the findings of each dossier!

Meanwhile, check out this video that provides an overview of the 2023 Assessment!

ITEM Assessment Cross-Border Cooperation