IDIH Week 2022


IDIH– International Digital Health Cooperation for Preventive, Integrated, Independent and Inclusive Living has officially launched the IDIH Week 2022, which will take place online from the 21st to the 24th of March.

The event is dedicated to researchers, innovators, care providers and users associations dealing with Digital Health for Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA), and it is organized through Information, Networking&Matchmaking, and Co-creation sessions among all the key-stakeholders from Europe, China, Canada, Japan, South Korea, USA, and more!

A key-novelty of this 2022 edition will be 2 Regional Workshops dedicated to the R&I landscape around Digital Health & Ageing, respectively in the USA and Japan! 

Here some highlights from the IDIH Week 2022 Programme: 

  • Info Day | March 21st 2022

An occasion to explore IDIH findings, products and future activities, as well as current opportunities for international cooperation in the field of Digital Health for Active and Healthy Ageing.

  • US Regional Workshop | March 21st 2022

A workshop dedicated to the US landscape of R&I around Digital Health for AHA, with a special focus on how COVID has impacted independent and connected living of the older persons, thanks to the perspective of  start-ups, investors, and the patients.

  • Partnering Days | March 22nd and 23rd 2022

Partnering Days will be dedicated to the presentation – through a short pitch – of the project ideas and business of the organizations working in the field of Digital Health for AHA. Sessions are planned for March 22, 9.00 – 11.00 CET and March 23, 15.00 – 17.00 CET and will be respectively dedicated to Asian and American audience.Do you wish to pitch your project idea or expertise? Apply HERE! Use this template to send your Flash Presentation to

  • Japan Regional Workshop | March 23rd 2022

A panel-discussion (in Japanese with English subtitles) held with the participation of the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication, and some key-players in the R&I landscape in Japan.

  • Innovation Day | March 24th 2022

Starting from the findings of IDIH Experts – gathered in the IDIH Digital Health Transformation Forum – this event will be the occasion - through 2 Panel Discussions and co-creation sessions - to address Digital Health for Active and Healthy Ageing focusing on the three areas suggested by the IDIH Experts for enhancing international cooperation in the field: Data Governance, Digital Inclusion, Interoperability-by-design.

Learn more about the event and register HERE.

International cooperation digital health Active and Healthy Ageing Research and innovation actions