Digital Health Literacy News Special Issue "Health and Wellbeing in Smart Built Inclusive Societies" of International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IF 3.390) Dear All, We are pleased to remind you that the submission on the Special Issue "Health and Wellbeing in Smart Built Inclusive Societies" of…
Digital Health Literacy Příspěvek Hub Talks (dialogue organized by mHealth Hub, EU, ITU, WHO) - Webinar 9 - Citizen-centric EHR data sharing for care and research: the industry perspective - to be hold 16th February 16:30-17:30 CET - Registration required Dear All, we are pleased to share with you the message from European mHealth Hub team that announce 9th Webinar of Series of “Hub…
Digital Health Literacy Best Practices Personal Health Folder (PHF) ("Carpeta de Salud") – Basque Country (Spain) Osakidetza, Basque Health Services, has invested heavily in the last years in digitalization and e-Health. It's digital transformation supports the…
Digital Health Literacy Best Practices ICT 4 the elderly ICT 4 the Elderly is a KA2 strategic partnership project funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. It addresses what has become…
Digital Health Literacy News Recording of Info-session on 8 June 2021: Erasmus+ Alliances for Innovation now available Lot 1 - Alliances for Education and Enterprises Lot 2 - Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills (implementing the ‘Blueprint’) Alliances for…
Digital Health Literacy Příspěvek The University of Porto launches website for the elderly digital capacitation Average life expectancy has increased by 10 years over the past five decades and it is expected that by 2070, 30% of the European population will be…
Digital Health Literacy Best Practices Digital Health is now part of the University of Porto curriculum Starting in April 2021, there is a new course available at the University of Porto, about digital health, active ageing, innovation and…
Digital Health Literacy Best Practices Durus™ for HomeCare Monitoring & Well-being Durus™ is an innovative scalable telemedicine node for HomeCare & Well-being, specifically designed for seniors and those people who are less…
Digital Health Literacy News A new EU platform will support Digital Health Literacy and Skills Digital solutions for health can increase the well-being of millions of citizens and radically change the way health and care services are delivered…
Digital Health Literacy Library What should be in the library? The library is where any relevant policies, strategies, scientific evidence and funding opportunities can be stored and disseminated. It aims to…