HPC & Quantum Infrastructure Deployment in EU


Do you want to find out the latest advances in terms of deployment of HPC and quantum infrastructure, observing real cases installations? Part of the CU Autumn School, this session will approach the complex side of HPC Computing and data infrastructures.


High Performance Computing (HPC) is the engine of the data economy; it underpins scientific excellence; and it is at the core of major advances and innovation in the digital age.


Furthermore, you can find out the many scientific, societal and industrial challenges such as early detection and treatment of diseases, deciphering the human brain, forecasting climate evolution, observing the space, preventing and managing large-scale natural disasters, designing renewable energy parks, developing new airplanes and cars – which HPC addresses.



•    Petascale real case: Meluxina

•    Pre-exascale real case: LUMI

•    HPC deployment: From Petascale to European Exascale  

•    Quantum Deployment: Integration of Quantum Computers and simulators with HPC

•    Quantum Computer real case: HPCQS deployment


Oscar DIEZ, HoU CNECT C2 High Performance Computing & Quantum Technology

Valentin PLUGARU, CTO LuxProvide - MeluXina Supercomputer

Pekka MANNINEN, Director LUMI Leadership Computing Facility at CSC IT Center for Science

Kristel MICHIELSEN, Head of the research group Quantum Information Processing and Head of the Jülich UNified Infrastructure for Quantum computing (JUNIQ)

Background information

This event is part of the CONNECT University Autumn School 2022 on Secure & Sustainable Digital Infrastructures, that aims to  address how this decade’s state-of-the-art digital infrastructure solutions fit over existing ones, fostering a circular economy system, while ensuring a high degree of security.

Check this blogpost for the full programme and more information.


Image with title HPC & Quantum Infrastructure Deployment in Europe
Session 7
HPC HPC Technology FET HPC exascale quantum computing Digital Infrastructures