Crossquality events: How to measure cross-border cooperation in the framework of Interreg programmes?

How good is the cooperation of public sector bodies, companies or citizens in our cross-border region? How can we describe the quality of cross-border networks and entities? And finally: what are precisely the positive effects of an Interreg programme on the different aspects of cooperation and governance across borders?

These are the sort of questions, that were studied in the INTERREG Euregio Meuse-Rhine project Crossquality. The expertise centre ITEM as lead partner with partners Hasselt University, RWTH Aachen, University of Liège and EGTC Euregio Meuse-Rhine, developed a methodology to measure the quality of cross-border cooperation related to Interreg programmes. With this innovative qualitative assessment methodology, it is possible to better assess the effects of Interreg programmes in a specific programme area. 

In the project a Research Report about the methodology, a Handbook for practicioners, and a Final Report with the assessment of the Interreg EMR programme, were made. On 27 February 14:00 - 15:00 the methodology will be presented and discussed during the online Next ITEM:  You are highly invited to join the meeting.


The final Closure event will follow on 16 March from 10:45 until 13:30 CET, where two panels will discuss the projectresults with experts from Interreg programmes, EU Commission, Interreg project partners and the Crossqulity team. The event will be physically in Maastricht, registrations are open to all: 



INTERREG Cross-border Expertise Centre ITEM cooperation Cross-Border Cooperation