5G Observatory

The European 5G Observatory enables the EU to assess the progress of the 5G Action Plan and take action to fully implement it.


What is the European 5G Observatory?

The European 5G Observatory monitors market developments and preparatory actions taken by industry stakeholders and Member States in the context of 5G roll-out in Europe and beyond.

As 5G gets closer to market deployment, the European 5G Observatory provides updates on all market developments, including actions undertaken by the private and public sectors, in the field of 5G. All developments will be analysed in view of their strategic implications on the objectives of the 5G Action Plan and other public policy objectives. The Observatory focuses primarily on developments in Europe, along with major international developments that could impact the European market.

The following developments are monitored by the Observatory:

  • main 5G market developments including planning and commercial launch of 5G products and services with major impact;
  • new developments regarding key 5G products and components as well as technology choices made by key actors including regarding standards and use of spectrum bands;
  • 5G pre-commercial trials and partnerships between actors of the 5G value chain;
  • national strategies and plans by EU Member States, available national data on 5G deployment including coverage and quality;
  • preparation and execution of spectrum assignments by public authorities as well as 5G public funding for network deployment and R&I.

Latest reporting

The online platform is regularly updated and provides the latest key trends in 5G deployment in Europe and world-wide. In addition, quarterly reports are published providing the snapshot of 5G progress as well as an assessment in view of the objectives of the 5G Action Plan.

The information is also fed into the monitoring of Europe’s digital performance and of the evolution of EU member states in digital competitiveness, the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) in the area of Connectivity.

Check out the 5G Observatory: 5G Observatory – Tracking 5G developments

Read more on our website: 5G Observatory | Shaping Europe’s digital future (europa.eu)


5G observatory