Register for the 2nd European AI Alliance Assembly and help us shape the discussions!

Something more than one year ago, 500 members of the AI Alliance met in Brussels to welcome the first package of deliverables of the High-Level Expert Group on AI and take the initial steps towards a legislative initiative on AI.

The online discussions of this forum and panel interventions of its members shaped the 1st European AI Alliance Assembly that took place in June 2019 to celebrate one year from the creation of the European AI Alliance.

This year’s event will take place online, on the 9th of October 2020 to discuss Europe’s next steps on AI. Its focus will be on the Commission’s initiative to create an European Ecosystem of Excellence and Trust in AI and will further build on the extended public consultation process of the previous months.

High-level experts and policy makers from all over Europe have already confirmed their participation and all the members of the AI Alliance are invited to highly engage into the discussions.



In the following weeks, the European AI Alliance will become the preparation hub of the event. Discussions and materials supporting the main topics will be posted on the forum while our @RoboticsEU account on twitter will serve to spread the news further.

You want to help us shape the discussions of the 2nd European AI Alliance Assembly?

Log in to share your ideas bellow or add your posts in the forum and open library using the hashtag #AIAlliance!



Profile picture for user narmbrch
Изпратено от Chris ARMBRUSTER на Вт., 01/09/2020 - 08:41

I enjoyed the first forum. Great work! I look forward to the next edition. Does this include specific proposals or measures to boost the economy? In light of the Green Deal? Combatting the Corona recession.

In reply to by Chris ARMBRUSTER

Profile picture for user dervijo
Изпратено от Jola DERVISHAJ на Пон., 07/09/2020 - 09:42

Hi Chris, we are very glad you liked the first edition and we are doing our best to keep the standards high! The programme includes a wide array of topics relevant to the AI Ecosystem in Europe and for sure, what you mention will be on the spotlight. Maybe you already had the chance to check out the draft agenda; there you will see that we also have a specific session dedicated to the fight of COVID.

Of course, if you have specific questions that would like to hear being discussed in some of the panels, please do not hesitate to post them here or open a specific discussion on the forum section!