Do you have ideas for eGovernment actions? Submit them before the next deadline in November

Are you aware of a good eGovernment practice that could be repeated elsewhere to reduce bureaucracy, facilitate mobility in the EU, generate more transparency, or implement a technical tool or a method to ensure public services of high quality? Or do you have a specific need that is currently not addressed by the EU eGovernment Action Plan?

Once again we give you the opportunity to use this platform and make your voice heard! The next cut-off date will be 30 November, so make your proposals soon! 

The Commission gives you the opportunity to submit your need or idea for action to the eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020. Tell us your needs, issues or problems or explain what the future ideal scenario of using a certain public service may be.

The Commission will present the ideas to the Member States, who may decide to implement them or they may be added to the eGovernment Action Plan.

Last year we collected 30 ideas for action via this platform. All ideas were presented to the representatives of all EU Member States. Out of the 30 ideas, 4 were selected for further exploration in working groups of interested Member States. The working groups are currently working on the ideas/topics and will report back on the work in the beginning of next year.    

The Action Plan already includes a number of significant actions to improve the experience of dealing with public administrations, such as the transition towards full e-procurement and the take-up of electronic identification, electronic signature, website authentication, and timestamps. Several actions aim to help businesses operate online across borders, simplify access to information under EU business and company laws and enable companies to easily start doing business, expand and operate in other Member States through end-to-end public e-services (e.g. Single Digital Gateway, interconnection of business registers and of insolvency registers, eJustice portal, etc.). A number of actions address the needs of mobile citizens, such as the electronic exchange of social security information, improved European job mobility portal or cross-border eHealth services.

Once these actions are fully implemented, citizens and businesses will see great benefits. For example, students will be able to arrange all the administrative and academic formalities needed to enroll in a foreign university via a smartphone app. If a Slovenian company wishes to set up in Italy and it makes the request, it is the Italian administration who directly asks their counterparts in Slovenia for all relevant information saving the company precious time and money. European citizens will be able to access easily all information regarding administrative formalities from a single digital portal rather than performing several searches on different websites.

However, certainly, more can be done. Therefore, beyond the actions identified in this Action Plan, further actions will be added throughout the Action Plan’s lifetime.

eGovernment eGovernment Action Plan


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Изпратено от Fie Hørbye Jacobsen на Пет., 13/10/2017 - 11:21

Dear Harry

Thank you for letting us know. The links should be working now.

Best regards,
