ARRIVAL CITIES Final Conference, Brussels

Jacques Delors Building
Belliardstraat 99
1000 Brussels

On 24 April, URBACT organises the ARRIVAL CITIES Final Conference in Brussels. The ARRIVAL CITIES network, consisting of the cities of Amardora, Dresden, Messina, Oldenburg, Patras, Riga, Roquetas de Mar, Val De Marne and Vantaa, collaborated for more than two years to exhange good practices and solutions to foster migrants' integration.

The Conference will feature presentations and a political debate on the needs of cities and in what ways EU measures are supporting (or not) these needs. It is aimed at elected representatives, local authority staff, social workers, researchers, students, NGOs, public and private organisations and representatives and members of civil society.

For more information and registration details (open until 3 April), please visit the URBACT website.


Brussels Inclusion of migrants and refugees integration URBACT