EU Sustainable Energy Week, Brussels - featuring Energy Transition workshop!


The EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW2018) will be organised from 4-8 June 2018 in Brussels. The week consists of the Policy Conference, networking events and an award competition.  

During the Policy Conference, representatives from public authorities, energy agencies, industry associations, businesses, civil society organisations and the media take part in the conference. The Policy Conference consists of sessions organised by the European Commission and energy stakeholders to deliberate new policy developments, best practices and sustainable energy ideas. Furthermore, there will be networking events where stakeholders who are promoting energy efficiency and renewable energies meet, and inspire innovation to meet the EU’s energy and climate goals. Additionally, there is an award competition for outstanding sustainable energy projects.

The Urban Agenda for the EU's Energy Transition Partnership will organise a workshop at the EUSEW on 5 June on "Energy Transition in Action", together with the Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) initiative. Register here.

The detailed programme and more information about registration can be found here.

innovation Brussels sustainable energy Energy Transition