Digital Transition News EUROCITIES Interview: Mika Rantakokko from Oulu Interview with Mika Rantakokko from the Digital Transition partnership for the Urban Agenda, courtesy of EUROCITIES (subscriber…
Digital Transition News 10 principles for good data The public space in cities have become more and more digitalised; its governance is becoming a priority for local governments. Recently, the…
Digital Transition Library Common statement Digital Transition Partnership, EUROCITIES, OASC, CEMR: "Cities need strong support for digital transition in the next long-term budget" The digital transition is a long term process, which will require sustained support in the coming years to fully reap the potential benefits and…
Digital Transition News Common statement Digital Transition Partnership, EUROCITIES, OASC, CEMR: "Cities need strong support for digital transition in the next long-term budget" The digital transition is a long term process, which will require sustained support in the coming years to fully reap the potential benefits and…