Artificial Intelligence use for help. The coronavirus R dataset package, maximum dissemination to researchers in this field, please.

These data can be used in the area of artificial intelligence (machine learning and deeplearning) and among all obtain more efficient and faster results.

" Is now available on CRAN (v0.1.0). The package provides a tidy format of the daily cases by type (confirmed, recovered, and death). While the CRAN version will be updated on a monthly cadence, the Github version (v0.1.0.9000) is getting updated on a daily bases. For non-R users a CSV format of the data is available (please see links below).

More details available here:



Package site


CSV format:

Author, please: Rami Krispin (Data Scientist at Apple iCloud) .

External link (Linkedin):

coronavirus rstats data coronavirusoutbreak tidyverse