EMAEE 2019 Economics, Governance and Management of AI, Robots and Digital Transformations


Falmer, Brighton
Falmer, Brighton

The European Meeting on Applied Evolutionary Economics (EMAEE) is a biennial international conference that brings together top young scholars (including PhDs and early career researchers) to present and discuss frontier research related to the economics of innovation.

The 2019 edition of the EMAEE will be organised by and hosted by SPRU – the Science Policy Research Unit, at the University of Sussex Business School.

The EMAEE19’s theme is the economics, governance and management of artificial intelligence (AI), robotisation and digital transformations. The conference aims to bring together research on the opportunities and challenges arising from AI and digital transformations, particularly to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)  and deal with related societal challenges. 

AI and robotisation have the potential to provide solutions to societal challenges, such as economic development and structural change, health, education, participation of the global south to global value chains; new opportunities to replace routinised and alienating jobs; the adoption of green technologies; incentives to start-ups.  Also, advances in machine learning and data science are providing new methods to study social phenomena and design new policy tools. However, as for earlier technological revolutions, the underlying transformations raise challenges, such as job displacement, income polarisation, horizontal inequalities, governance of big data and data protection, power concentration, environmental footprint. Research is needed to understand how to best exploit opportunities and address challenges.

EMAEE19 aims to be a forum to feed the current debate on the economics, management and governance of AI, robotisation and digital transformations in relation to SDGs and societal challenges. The conference will host 100+ excellent papers, several engaging keynote speakers, thematic sessions and round tables and an INET Young Scholars Initiative (YSI).

Registration fees

The conference has no fees, to encourage participation of PhD students and early career scholars. Lunch, coffee breaks and the social dinner will be covered by the host organization. Participants are responsible for their travel and accommodation and other dinners.

More information here.

Artificial Intelligence robotics digitaltransformation research society Technology SDGs