
How can we help ensure connectivity and maintain and leverage Ukraine’s digital potential for a peaceful and prosperous future for the Ukrainian people?

This is the central question of Tech4Ukraine - a platform to mobilize European actors around efforts to help maintain and develop digital infrastructures, capacities and skills for and with the Ukrainian people. It is open to associations, NGOs, companies, local authorities and citizens involved in or is pursuing an idea to support digital infrastructure projects, harness digital solutions to rebuild Ukrainian businesses, help displaced Ukrainian refugees, develop cybersecurity solutions for Ukrainian organisations, and leverage digital solutions to maintain key services and boost digital skills, humanitarian aid, etc.

Your actions are making a difference. Sharing them can inspire others and help even more people. 

Nove objave

Apps & digital tools for refugees

Fleeing Ukraine: access to jobs

Helping people arriving from Ukraine to acquire the necessary skills to enter the EU job market. Visit this page to find out about some of…