What is the most significant challenge faced by employers when attracting cross-border workers?

12th Breakfast Debate

Poll Question: Greatest barriers for cross border employers.

Employers in cross border regions can benefit greatly from attracting workers from across the border while the fact that their needs can be covered more easily can contribute to the development of the whole border region. What do you think is the biggest challenge for employers that seek to hire people from across the border from the following choices:

1. Increased administrative burden

2. Limited transportation options

3. Unaware of worker pool characteristics from across the border

4. Recognition of qualifications

5. Increased costs for (re/up-) skilling

6. Cultural and language barriers

The audience of the 12th Breakfast Debate chose option 1. Increased administrative burden as the single most influential factor. This option gathered 61% of the participants' votes with the recognition of qualifications coming second at 14%.  Leave your input on the comment section and let us know if the administrative burden is the biggest challenge for employers or whether a different option would be more suitable for you based on your personal and professional experiences. 

cross border labour markets