Education on ICT / Digital Standardisation - Resources for HEIs & RDI Centres (EDIHs, EIT KICs etc)

As outlined in the new European Standarisation Strategy (Feb 2022) and the new ERA strayegy there is a real need to integrate education about standardisation into the education action plan - as it is not currently there in any real way. 

e.g.  CEN CENELEC & ETSI (with EC funding support) have already developed very useful best practice education & training materials on ICT standardisation that could (and  should) be intergated into the education and training programmes offered by HEIs and digital RDI Centres, including the new EDIHs / European Digital Innovation Hubs and related networks (via the EDIH 'DTA/Digital Transfromation Accelerator' project to link the EHIDs into a coherent and collaborative network. Links to existng best practice materials are below:

ETSI - Teaching material for Education about Standardization - ICT

Standards + Innovation | Boost your innovation with European standards (

Learn more about the European Standards + Innovation initiative (

Any questions or suggestions (e.g. who should I talk to about the above topics) welcome. 


Paul Killeen 


Global Standards European Standardisation Organisations (ESOs) AIInnovation Interoperability Standards