On-site workshop "Overcoming Barriers and Challenges"


Hotel NH Ghent Belfort
Hoogpoort 63
9000 Gent

Join the Citizen-led renovation initiative for an interactive on-site workshop on "Overcoming Barriers and Challenges"

The workshop will tackle barriers and challenges faced by organizations and energy communities. Through interactive activities and discussions, we aim to find collaborative solutions to overcome them.

This event is also a great opportunity to learn about our Open Call! Applications for our 1-year Support Service for Citizen-led Renovation open as of the 10th of April. We're supporting EU Energy Communities with initiatives like insulation, new technical systems, and renewables.

Through the support service, we will help you with:

  • Co-developing project pipelines and investment plans 
  • Preparing and supporting the implementation of administrative procedures  
  • Project management and technical designs 
  • Communication and citizen engagement 
  • Mutual learning across the pilot communities and regions 
  • And much more!

Why you should participate at our workshop?

The workshop provides you with the chance to:

  • Connect with other leaders in the field, our pilot projects, Lighthouses and members of our Board to glean insights from their successes and innovative solutions.
  • Access exclusive insights from our pilot initiatives, witnessing firsthand how they navigate and surmount obstacles.
  • Establish connections with peers and organizations addressing similar challenges, fostering a collaborative atmosphere for mutual support and new perspectives.
  • Gain firsthand information about the Open Call
  • Opportunity to prepare thoroughly and, if necessary, arrange additional guidance from the team on how to respond effectively to the Open Call.

The Agenda of the Day is below. Besides the workshop on barriers and challenges the participants will also have the possibility to visit the Energent premises and hear about their experience as a supported energy community.

This workshop is free of charge and designed for One-Stop-Shops, energy community representatives, and both emerging and established energy communities from across Europe. Already confirmed participants are shown on the map that is shown as an image.

Map of participants of the Citizen-led renovation initiative for workshop on Overcoming Barriers and Challenges on 16 April
Map of participants of the Citizen-led renovation initiative for workshop on Overcoming Barriers and Challenges on 16 April
Agenda of the Citizen-led renovation workshop on Overcoming Barriers and Challenges on 16 April
Agenda of the Citizen-led renovation workshop on Overcoming Barriers and Challenges on 16 April
cross border cooperation on energy Clean Energy community initiatives community citizen engagement